Monday, 22 August 2016

Plants in Flower August 2016

Eucalyptus preissiana

Thryptomene calycina

Hardenbergia violaceae var alba

Banksia blechnifolia

Banksia ericafolia var macrantha

Lechenaultia biloba

Eremophila bignoniiflora 'purple'

Grevillea filoloba

Ptilotus obovatus

Eucalyptus caesia

Philotheca myoporoides

Ptilotus spathulata

Tetratheca ciliata 

Grevillea sp

Kennedia prostrata

Grevillea sericea

Hardenbergia violacea

Thryptomene calycina

Kennedia microphylla

Eremophila maculata
Corizema ilicifolium 

Wednesday, 6 July 2016

What's in flower in your garden? - July 2016

Okay, it's the middle of winter, cold, wet, grey with short days to top it off. However, the following plants are in flower in my garden and they do manage to brighten things up.

Other links:
developing our native garden
Plant identification in the Flinders Ranges

Banksia occidentalis

Banksia spiulosa 'Coastal Cushion'

Callistemon citrinus 'Endeavour' 

Correa pulchella 'Coffin Bay'

Correa sp variety unkown

Crowea saligna

Banksia 'Giant Candles'

Eucalyptus caesia

Eremophila maculata x alternifolia

Eremophila nivea

Eremophila nivea x ?

Epacris reclinata

Thryptomene saxicola

Ptilotus obovatus

Lambertia formosa
Okay, so it's not in flower, but the new furry growth of Banksia victoriae is rather spectacular
Banksia blechnifolia in bud
Acacia guinetii
Diplopeltis huegelii
Eremophila maculata - light pink, orange in bud
Grevillea 'Winter Delight'
Leptospermum 'Pink Cascade'
Philotheca myoporoides
Thryptomene calycina

Grevillea fililoba